The Three Types of Dishonesty

Kbarr   -  

During the month of September, Pastor Dan preached a series entitled “Fact Check: A Series About Truth”. However, on Sunday, September 17, 2023, Pastor Dan gave our new Student Ministries Pastor, Tyler Lewis, the opportunity to preach his first sermon. Tyler’s focus, as part of this series, was on “The Three Types of Dishonesty”. Tyler said, “I don’t think you can truly understand honesty without having a full understanding of its opposition, which is dishonesty.”

Dishonesty affects relationships, self awareness, and causes other issues.

Tyler spoke from the passage of Matthew 26:69-75, the passage where Peter denies knowing Jesus three times. This happened just a few hours after the Last Supper where Peter swore to Jesus he would never disown him, even if he had to die.

So, why did Peter lie? Because he was afraid of what would happen.

Tyler listed the Three Types of Dishonesty as:

1) Lying to others — probably the most common

2) Lying to self (Self Deception) — this is dangerous

3) Lying to God

The Merriam-Webster definition of lying is the deliberate act of making a false statement with the intent to deceive or mislead somebody.

Tyler shared Jeremiah 17:9 “TheĀ  heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can understand it?”

The Point of Tyler’s message is: God knows when we are lying even when we don’t.

Tyler also shared that we can escape a life of dishonesty through a life and relationship with Jesus. Jesus represents truth, hope, and deliverance. Then Tyler issued a challenge: Examine your life for areas of dishonesty and commit to addressing them.

For the complete message, with all of the life examples Tyler shared, click the “Sermons Video/Audio” button at the top of this website’s main page and you can watch Tyler present this message on YouTube by clicking the “Fact Check — 3 Types of Dishonesty” September 17, 2023 image.