Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic

Kbarr   -  

Four men from GFC spent a week in the Dominican Republic helping the needy people living in batays there. When they came back, they shared this short video.

When asked what impacted them the most, these were their responses:

“I was interacting with one of the translaters. We were talking about things in America when he asked me, “What is going on with the church in America?” He went on sharing that a friend from the D.R. had moved to Boston and was now living in sin, yet is still an active leader in his church. The translator said, “America sent missionaries to the D.R. and brought the gospel. Now it is approving my friend’s sinful lifestyle!” He was grieving and felt that the D.R. could not depend on American Christians to be grounded in the gospel anymore. It was a humbling discussion — a reality check from outside our country.”      — Pastor Dan

“Joy is circumstancial. In the U.S., we look at money and possessions and think having these things brings us joy. Children living in dire circumstances in the D.R. showed joy and were all smiles.”      — Tyler

“We gave out over 200 pairs of glasses. I saw one gentleman, I fitted with reading glasses, reading his Spanish Bible and he was so happy! That showed me we were an immediate blessing to those people.”      — Ray

“People were happy despite their circumstances; depsite their lack of things. Happiness doesn’t depend on things.”      — Richard